Welcome to 杰克逊的大学

Thank you for your interest in 杰克逊的大学, a nationally recognized, 以学生为中心, 创新, leader in higher education that is Totally Committed to Student Success, 或(TCS2). It’s our way of saying that, 在我们所做的一切, we are focused upon helping you to complete your program of study that leads to a recognized credential of market value, 副学士学位, transfer to a baccalaureate-granting institution, or immediate employment.

To assist you in reaching your goal, we’ve assembled a core team of ‘Student Success Navigators’ who serve as your personal guide and advocate for the entire time you are at 杰克逊的大学. They will spend the necessary time with you to understand your personal goals and help chart your educational success plan. They will also listen to the challenges you may be facing, and bring to bear resources, 工具, and ideas to help you on your journey. 我们的TCS2 approach, your success is inescapable, when you do your part.

You should also know that we are proud of our organizational culture of service to others. We spend a lot of time finding the right people to work at 杰克逊的大学, employees who enjoy assisting and empowering others to reach higher and succeed. In sum, 杰克逊的大学 is a pretty special and uncommon place. I hope you’ll consider experiencing the uniqueness of 杰克逊的大学!


Phelan总统 smiling
Phelan总统 at commencement
Dan Phelan in front of Walker Hall
Dan Phelan with male student
Dan Phelan with female student
Phelan总统 at desk
Phelan总统 talking to female student
Dan Phelan talking with male student

Dr. 丹尼尔·J. 费兰,总统 & 首席执行官

